Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 351 - 400 of 970
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BML Plut. 57.19 14th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.20 15th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.21 14th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.22 16th Demetrius Pepagomenus
BML Plut. 57.23 14th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.24 15th Letters Lacapenus
BML Plut. 57.25 16th Grammar
BML Plut. 57.26 14th Grammar
BML Plut. 57.27 14th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.28 15th Lucian
BML Plut. 57.29 15th Lucian
BML Plut. 57.3 15th Lexicon
BML Plut. 57.30 16th Stephanites and Ichnelates Aesop, Symeon Seth
BML Plut. 57.31 16th Military
BML Plut. 57.32 15th Homer
BML Plut. 57.33 16th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.34 15th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.35 16th Grammar
BML Plut. 57.36 14th John Tzetzes, Homer
BML Plut. 57.37 15th Grammar
BML Plut. 57.39 14th Lexicon
BML Plut. 57.4 15th Rhetoric Lysias
BML Plut. 57.40 15th Letters, Philosophy Michael Psellus
BML Plut. 57.41 15th Lexicon
BML Plut. 57.42 12th Lexicon
BML Plut. 57.43 16th Lucian
BML Plut. 57.44 10th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.45 15th Rhetoric Lysias
BML Plut. 57.46 15th Lucian
BML Plut. 57.47 14th Letters, Rhetoric, Grammar Libanius
BML Plut. 57.48 15th Lexicon
BML Plut. 57.49 15th Rhetoric, Grammar
BML Plut. 57.5 14th Rhetoric Hermogenes, John Doxopatres, Gregory Pardus
BML Plut. 57.50 16th Lexicon
BML Plut. 57.51 11th Lucian
BML Plut. 57.52 16th Rhetoric Lysias
BML Plut. 57.6 15th Lucian
BML Plut. 57.7 11th Letters
BML Plut. 57.8 15th Lexicon
BML Plut. 57.9 15th History Laonicus Chalcocondyles
BML Plut. 58.1 15th Julius Pollux
BML Plut. 58.11 15th Lexicon Stobaeus
BML Plut. 58.12 15th Rhetoric Isocrates
BML Plut. 58.13 15th Rhetoric, Mythology, Astronomy Lucius Annaeus Cornutus, John Lydus
BML Plut. 58.14 15th Rhetoric Isocrates
BML Plut. 58.15 15th Poems Francesco Filelfo
BML Plut. 58.16 15th Letters Phalaris
BML Plut. 58.17 15th Rhetoric Philostratus
BML Plut. 58.18 15th Rhetoric, Art Philostratus
BML Plut. 58.19 15th Grammar Herodian
