Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 101 - 150 of 175
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BN Grec 635 14th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa, Ephraem
BN Grec 749 11th Theology John Chrysostom, Ephraem
BN Grec 760 12th, 14th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem
BN Grec 770 14th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem
BN Grec 771 14th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem, Cyril of Alexandria
BN Grec 772 15th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem, Basil the Great
BN Grec 773 15th Theology John Chrysostom, Ephraem, Gregory Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Andrew of Crete, Basil the Great
BN Grec 897 12th, 13th, 14th Theology, Saints lives John of Damascus, Ephraem, John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Theodore the Studite, Sophronius
BN Grec 913 10th Theology Nilus, Maximus the Confessor, Ephraem, Evagrius
BN Grec 920 11th Theology Anastasius Sinaita, Ephraem, Maximus the Confessor
BN Grec 929 15th Theology Basil the Great, Ephraem, Leo VI the Wise
BN Grec 973 11th Theology Basil the Great, Ephraem
BN Grec 979 13th Theology John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus, Anastasius Sinaita, Epiphanius, Ephraem, Gregory Thaumaturgus
BN Grec 987 16th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, John Chrysostom, Ephraem, Andrew of Crete, John of Damascus, Epiphanius, Sophronius, Gregory Thaumaturgus
BN Supplément grec 1031 15th Theology, Liturgy John Chrysostom, Ephraem, Epiphanius
BN Supplément grec 1032 15th Theology John Chrysostom, Ephraem, Anastasius Sinaita, Basil the Great
BN Supplément grec 1092 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th History, Theology, Bible, Church councils, Liturgy, Palimpsest Ephraem
BN Supplément grec 1156 9th, 10th, 11th Theology, Philosophy, Animals, Medicine Ephraem, Aristotle, John Philoponus, Sextus Empiricus, Paul of Aegina
BN Supplément grec 1329 13th Theology, Saints lives Ephraem, John Chrysostom, Anastasius Sinaita, John Climacus, Dorotheus of Gaza
BN Supplément grec 136 16th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, Ephraem
BN Supplément grec 146 14th Theology Ephraem
BN Supplément grec 43 15th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, Ephraem, Basil the Great, Gregory of Cyprus
BNE 4787 13th, 14th Theology Ephraem
British Library Add MS 17045 16th Theology Ephraem
British Library Add MS 28825 12th Theology Ephraem
British Library Add MS 41660 11th, 12th Theology Ephraem
British Library Egerton MS 3157 14th Illuminations, Synaxarion, Theology Ephraem
BRU Giacomo Longo S. Salv. 2 8th, 9th, 12th Palimpsest, Theology, Medicine Ephraem, John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Paul of Aegina, Anastasius Sinaita, Epiphanius, John of Damascus
BRU Giacomo Longo S. Salv. 34 12th Theology John Chrysostom, Ephraem
BS Cod. graec. 219 15th Theology, Saints lives Ephraem, John Chrysostom
BS Cod. graec. 221 16th Theology John of Damascus, John Chrysostom, Epiphanius, Ephraem, John Climacus, Sophronius
BS Cod. graec. 319 14th Theology Ephraem
EBE 1911 13th, 14th, 15th Theology, Poems Ephraem, Christopher of Mytilene
EBE 256 16th Theology Germanos II Patriarch of Constantinople, Philotheus Coccinus, Ephraem
EBE 3033 16th Theology Ephraem
EBE 698 16th Theology Ephraem
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Q 12 15th Theology Basil the Great, Ephraem
Mone Rousanou 32 14th, 15th, 16th Liturgy, Saints lives, Theology Ephraem
Mone tou Leimonos 47 12th Theology Ephraem
Mone tou Leimonos 54 11th, 12th Theology Ephraem
National Library of Scotland Adv. 18.6.14 16th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, Ephraem
Patriarchal Library Hagios Sabas 13 10th, 11th Saints lives, Theology John Chrysostom, John of Damascus, Gregory Nazianzus, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem
Patriarchal Library Hagios Sabas 158 10th Theology Ephraem
Patriarchal Library Hagios Sabas 34 14th Theology Ephraem
Patriarchal Library Hagios Sabas 414 12th Theology Ephraem
Patriarchal Library Hagios Stavros 13 11th Theology Ephraem
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 29 11th, 12th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, John Chrysostom, Ephraem
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 525 16th Theology Ephraem
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 76 18th Theology Ephraem
RGB Fond 270 59 (gr. 123) 12th Theology Ephraem
