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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation
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LC CIP records

Return to: Cataloging with copy main

Fixed fields

Bibliographic section
  260 / 263
  4xx / 8xx

Macro to complete processing

Manually completing the processing

General comments
  • Generally disregard all 0xx fields, except ISBN in the 020 field.

  • Verify that the ISBN on the copy matches the book.

  • If making any change to the record other than the correction of an obvious typographical error, add |dNjP to the end of the 040 field.

  • Proofread 1xx through 8xx fields for typos.

  • Match the main descriptive fields of the catalog record (245, 250, 260) with corresponding data on the book in hand.

    Discrepancies between the main descriptive elements on the copy and the book in hand usually mean the copy is for a different edition. Consult a team leader or LC trainer.