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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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Cataloging with Copy

LC copy procedure

LC CIP records (sub)

Member copy procedure


See also:
Romanization tables
Initial articles
End punctuation
Diacritic input

Member Copy Cataloging Procedure

When cataloging member copy, we assume that records created by others in the library community are acceptable for serving the needs of library users.  We do minimal checking of data elements to ensure that we have the correct record, then we focus on authority control and a few specific areas which directly affect users in our own environment.  Member copy should be approached with a “don’t agonize” mentality.

Voyager preference settings should be set so that MARC validation is on, and authority validation is on for Name, Title, and Name/Title.

Exceptions:  Catalogers turning member copy into a PCC record should not follow this procedure. This procedure does not cover CIP records.  In non-roman script records paired fields should be added if missing; however, they should not be verified. 6xx paired fields with a second indicator of 4 should be retained. 

If the book is not a work of belles-lettres, and the bibliographic record does not have a LC-type call number and LC subject headings, bibliographic specialists should not attempt to catalog the book.
  1. Verify the bibliographic record. This involves ONLY the following:

    • Compare the title/statement of responsibility on the title page to the 245 field. Punctuation and capitalization may vary, but any change from how title words appear on the object (word order, turning a spelled-out word to an abbreviation, etc.) is incorrect and should be amended. Check that the filing indicator is correct.

    • Confirm the edition statement. If there is an edition statement on the copy and you can verify that a close approximation to it exists in the book, accept the copy's 250 formulation as it stands.

    • Confirm the publishing information in the 260 or 264. Data appearing in brackets will not appear on the book and should be accepted. Multiple 264 fields are normal in RDA and should not be deleted.

    • Check that the 300 field is complete (it has pagination and a size)

    • Add relationship designators in |e for 1xx and 7xx fields if they are not present. Exception: do not add |e to 700 name/title fields. If there is no term which seems appropriate for the heading, do not add one.

    • Keep an eye out for computer disks, inserts or other loose material accompanying a book -- these should be mentioned in the 300 field or a note, and a piece count needs to be included in the item record following these guidelines

    • Verify the 008 (fixed field) codes for language, place of publication, and date of publication.

      Give other fields only a brief glance. If you notice any glaring errors or omissions, fix them or refer to a cataloger; otherwise, accept what is in the record.

      Use judgment to determine when access to or identification of an item will be seriously impaired by inadequacies in the record.

  2. Save the record. When the authority validation appears, verify the form of the names, and verify the series

    • Make sure all name headings (1xx, 7xx) are validated in Voyager or are in the NAF.  If in any doubt about the heading, click "Retrieve auth" in the Authority Validation box and check the authority record to be sure it applies to the heading.  If the bib record does not match the 1xx field in the authority record, adjust it so it does match.  If no authority record exists, NACO the heading or refer the book to a cataloger.  View this document for more information about how to interpret the validation screen

    • Verify the series according to the Series Procedure.

  3. Assign a call number.

    If the copy has a full call number that is not a CAS number, accept it unless the book falls into one of the categories below. If no acceptable call number is present and you are not trained to assign numbers, refer to a cataloger.


    Artists -- follow the online procedure
    Literary authors -- follow the online procedure
    Musicians (ML410-429) -- follow the online procedure



  • 245
  • 250
  • 260/264
  • 300 has pagination and size (not a CIP record)
  • 008: language, place, date


  • Relationship designators


  • Names
  • Series

Check for and follow procedures for:

  • accompanying material
  • call numbers for artists
  • call numbers for literary authors
  • call numbers for musicians