April 20, 2015 The Princeton University Library has recently become a partner of the Perma.cc service. Developed by law school libraries, and used by academics in many disciplines, as well as courts, the Perma.cc service allows users to create citation links that will never break. When a user creates a Perma.cc link, Perma.cc archives a copy of the referenced content, and generates a link to an unalterable hosted instance of the site. Regardless of what may happen to the original source, if the link is later published by a journal using the Perma.cc service, the archived version will always be available through the Perma.cc link. To learn more about Perma.cc, please visit https://perma.cc/. If you’d like to create an account to begin preserving your citations to websites, please email David Hollander at [email protected] Source More Information