June 18, 2020

book bag

If you are a Princeton University faculty member or graduate student and have items in your locker or study carrel in the Library, we would be glad to set up an appointment for you to come to the Library to retrieve them. Please complete this form to start the process.

We will send you an email when we are ready for your visit. This pick-up service will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and we will accept one visitor for pick-up every 15 minutes. It will be important to arrive on time for your pick-up. You can plan to stay in the library for up to a half-hour to retrieve all your items. If you need additional time, you can schedule a second appointment afterwards.

You are required to wear a mask or face covering before approaching our library spaces. You must also maintain social distancing behaviors throughout your visit to the library. We will have hand sanitizer available for you. Our library staff will wear masks and gloves.

Regarding Firestone Library, a library staff person will be waiting in the lobby just inside the front doors of Firestone. They will ask for your name, confirm your appointment and then let you into the building. You will have a dedicated host who will stay with you, maintaining social distance, throughout your visit. If you need to remove your belongings and checked out books materials from inside a reading room or study room, we will need to manage the number of people who enter that space at one time to maintain social distancing guidelines. Just before you exit the library, our security staff will ask you to remove items from your bags to place on a table for their review, before repacking the items and exiting the library.

If your locker or carrel is in a library other than Firestone, we will connect you with the appropriate staff at that location.

Questions? Please email [email protected].