Dec. 13, 2020 Did you know that Princeton University Library employs over 500 student workers at all our locations? ARCHITECTURE LIBRARY, EAST ASIAN LIBRARY, ENGINEERING LIBRARY, FIRESTONE LIBRARY, LEWIS SCIENCE LIBRARY, MARQUAND LIBRARY OF ART & ARCHAEOLOGY, MENDEL MUSIC LIBRARY, STOKES LIBRARYThe Library encourages student workers to apply for positions for Spring 2021! We employ students for a variety of duties: covering circulation/information desks, assisting patrons, running evening/weekend operations, office assistance, makerspace coordination, organizing and sorting books, shelving, scanning, photocopying, special projects and more.For details about available positions and how to apply, please contact Carol Houghton, Coordinator, Information Services, [email protected].Learn more about student employment at US!!Check out what other students have to say about working at PUL!