April 18, 2021

police car

Princeton University Library draws your attention to its Black Lives Matter research guide about policing and incarceration.

The guide includes links to primary documents including Documenting Ferguson, A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement, and Campaign Zero platform

Additionally, the guide includes links to statistics and data resources, as well as a list of books that explore issues of race, policing, and incarceration.

Issues addressed by Black Lives Matter activists may also be found by searching the catalog and databases for terms such as "police brutality,” "police killings,” "police shootings,” "racial justice,” "racial profiling,” or "broken windows policing."

Materials related specifically to systemic racism and activism may be found in this Black Lives Matter research guide.

Questions? Contact Steven Knowlton, Librarian for History and African American Studies. 

Media contact: Barbara Valenza, Director, Library Communications