Aug. 16, 2023 Princeton University Library’s (PUL) Lewis Science and Engineering Library has board games available for use in the Library or to check out. Located on the A floor of the Fine Hall Wing across from the circulation desk, more than 50 games are available, including classics like “Monopoly” and “Catan,” as well as newer titles like “The Quacks of Quedlinburg.” Based on user feedback, we have also started a lendable learning library to meet the needs of STEM students.Board games and kits can be reserved in advance and are lent out for a period of one week. Currently available games can be found on the Games and Learning Kits page, which can also be found by navigating to the Engineering Library or Lewis Science Library websites and clicking the pink “Reserve Games and Kits” button.”“The original collection, curated by Anya Bartelmann, featured primarily STEM based games, but a recent donation from the Princeton Tabletop Society enriched the collection with more traditional games,” said Librarian Willow Dressel. “We hope to grow the lendable learning sets in the collection which currently includes molecular models and a graphing calculator.”To renew a game/kit or suggest a possible purchase, please email [email protected] or visit the Engineering Library’s circulation desk. The Library also accepts board game donations at the Engineering Library’s circulation desk during open hours. Published on August 16, 2023Media Contact: Barbara Valenza, Director of Library Communications