Jan. 13, 2023

Special Collections reading room

Princeton University Library's Department of Special Collections is excited to offer two Special Collections Summer Fellowships. The John Foster and Janet Avery Dulles Archival Fellow is hosted at Mudd Library and the Special Collections Summer Fellow is hosted at Firestone Library.

The fellowships provide a summer of paid work experience for current or recent graduate students interested in pursuing a career in special collections or archives. 

Fellowship Description

The 2023 Fellows will gain experience in the fields of technical services, public services, and curatorial work. Projects for 2023 may include: learning and implementing reparative description; processing/reprocessing of manuscript collections (including hybrid collections with born-digital and audiovisual materials); web archiving; metadata migration and cleanup; participation in the reference rotation and answering reference questions in person and remotely; working alongside curatorial staff to learn and implement contemporary collecting and stewardship practices; and conducting research on areas of scholarly inquiry and supporting curatorial projects as an integral part of an acquisitions team.  The fellows will work with a diverse team of library and archives professionals and will have one main supervisor for the term of their fellowship.

Information about previous recipients and their experience can be found on the Fellowship homepage (for Firestone) and on the Dulles Fellows website (for Mudd)

More information about the library and its holdings is available on the library website. 

This ten- to twelve-week residency program, which can begin as early as May, will be paid at a rate of $30.50 an hour (or $1100 weekly) (subject to state/local/federal taxes). In addition, expenses for attending one North American-based conference of the fellow’s choosing (travel, registration fees, and hotel) will be covered by Princeton University Library.


  • Experience working in the archival and/or special collections profession. (including positions held as part of volunteer programs, internships, work-study programs, contract/adjunct work, other fellowships, etc.). 
  • Current graduate student or recent graduate (within one year of graduation) of an advanced degree program in archive or library/information management, museum studies and public history, or other related disciplines. 
  • Excellent organization and communication skills.
  • Excellent time management and project management skills (ability to manage multiple projects).
  • Willingness and commitment to learn new technologies.

Foreign language skills (particularly Spanish-language reading skills) are valued, but not essential.

Princeton University Library is committed to recruiting a diverse workforce and advancing the University's commitment to racial equity within our community and in the world. We encourage candidates from all diverse backgrounds and life experiences to apply for our positions. To find out more about PUL's work towards greater inclusivity, equity, and diversity, please see PUL's "About" page.

To apply:

Submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information for two academic and/or professional references addressed to the search committee at [email protected] with the subject line “[Applicant Last Name] 2023 Summer Fellowship.”  If you are particularly interested in either the Dulles Fellowship at Mudd or the Special Collections Fellowship at Firestone, please indicate that in your cover letter. Applications must be received by Wednesday, March 1st, 2023. Zoom interviews will be conducted with the top candidates by the end of March, and the successful candidate will be notified by April 14th.

Please note: University dormitory housing may be available to the successful candidate, but most past fellows have found housing off campus. Interested applicants should consider their housing options carefully and may wish to consult the off-campus housing website for more information on this topic.

To read more about past fellowship recipients, visit the Special Collections website.

Published on January 13, 2022

Media Contact: Barbara Valenza, Director of Library Communications