Tsering Wangyal Shawa Title Geographic Information Systems and Map Librarian Office Phone (609) 258-6804 Email [email protected] Office A17 Fine Hall, Engineering Library Office Hours Schedule Appointment Bio/Description Tsering Wangyal Shawa has been the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Map Librarian at Princeton University Library since 1998. He has widespread experience in selecting, creating, and analyzing geospatial data and has in-depth knowledge on how to create, analyze, and preserve paper and digital maps. He holds degrees in the areas of library science, education, geography, and cartography. He was born in Tibet and has lived and taught geography and cartography to high schools in India, Nepal, and Kenya and to undergraduate students at the University of Juba, South Sudan. At present, he teaches a GIS course titled, "GIS for Public Policy" at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. Department Research Data and Open Scholarship Division Data, Research, and Teaching Services Expertise Geographic Information Systems Maps Subject Specialist Team Maps/GIS