Bookset Holdings
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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(see special guidelines for Use of "v." and "vol." as abbreviations for "volume")

866 ‡a Summary holdings

  • A separate 866 field is made to show a summary of Princeton's holdings.
  • Use the language and order of the holdings in the item. Use the appropriate abbreviations for any non-abbreviated vernacular designator. Designators abbreviated on the piece should follow the abbreviated form found on the piece. If there is no designator on the piece in hand, DO NOT make one up for the summary holdings field.

    "Published in" note

  • Put a "published in" note with the publication date after the volume number (other than the first volume). Enclose the entire "published in" note in parentheses. The "published in" note is added for two principal reasons:
    1. To indicate to a user the publication date of the last volume added
    2. As an aid to the cataloger when closing a bookset.
  • NOTE: A summary holdings note is ALWAYS added to a bookset record, even if the holdings are complete. The 866 for summary holdings should NEVER be removed from a bookset record.

Observe the following spacing/capitalization/punctuation conventions in the summary holdings:

  • Include a space following each adding designator and preceding the number.

    e.g. 866 _0 ‡a Vol. 1-v. 2 (published in 1992)

  • Separate compound adding designators by a comma.

    e.g. 866 _0 ‡a Vol. 1-v. 2, pt. 2 (published in 1992)

  • Separate single element designator broken holdings by commas.

    e.g. 866 _0 ‡a Vol. 1, v. 3, v. 7 (published in 1985)

  • The initial abbreviation for volume is vol.; the subsequent abbreviation is v. (see the previous example)

  • Separate compound element broken holdings by semicolons.

    e.g. 866 _0 ‡a Vol. 7, pt. 2; v. 8, pt. 3; v. 9, pt. 4 (published in 1994)

  • If the "published by" note becomes too awkward due to broken holdings it may be omitted from all but the last element. (see previous example)

  • If there is no adding designator on the piece DO NOT make one up for the summary holdings.

    e.g. 866 _0 ‡a 1-7 (published in 1992)

  • Use the order of adding elements as in the piece in the summary holdings.

    e.g. 866 _0 ‡a 3. Bd., Heft 5 (published in 1965)

866 ‡x DESIGNATOR note.

In order to ensure consistency in adding volumes, information on the bookset adding element is added following the word: "DESIGNATOR:" in an 866 field on the MFHD.

Example: 866 _ 0 ‡x DESIGNATOR: vol.

  • The DESIGNATOR note is ALWAYS added.
  • Vernacular designators are used to the extent possible.
  • If no adding designator is present in the work, make up an appropriate designator. Use the appropriate vernacular designator for the language of the work when making up a designator.
  • Note that the designator in the 866 note field is the designator to be used in adding in the volume and in the item record; it is NOT necessarily the designator that is used in the 866 for summary holdings.

The following is an example of a Voyager bookset holdings screen:

Related Topics:
Use of "v." and "vol." as abbreviations for "volume"