Princeton Policy: 007 field
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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007 - Physical Description Fixed Field: General Information and Policies
The 007 field is used to code for the physical characteristics of an item.
007 fields:
Microforms              Projected Graphics              Maps
Motion Pictures         Nonprojected Graphics           Globes
Videorecordings         Sound Recordings                Computer files 

Princeton will add the 007 field to express physical characteristics of an item.

Microform of a book = add 007 for the microform
World Wide Web version of a serial = add 007 for computer file
CD-ROM of a score = add 007 for computer file

Accompanying material:

Princeton will not use the 007 to express the physical characteristics of accompanying material.
If the 007 field is used on LC or member copy to describe accompanying material, remove the field by deleting the values in it.