Shipping returns


Once the invoice has been entered into Voyager with the appropriate deductions, the following steps must be taken to finish the returns process. These steps are taken at the time the approval returns letter is processed in Voyager, or the firm order/continuations letter is produced.

1. Notification :

  • Copy the PDF return letter from the daily printing folder and save it to tsserver/Voyager procedures/V2000 procedures/returns letters/approval returns folder or the firm order_contins returns folder as appropriate. Print a copy of the pdf file and rename the file [vendor code][inv no.], for example:

    ap-tou B00024383.pdf or touS00038453.pdf

  • Send an email to the vendor indicating titles being returned and total deduction, using the template. Attach the PDF file to the email.
  • Print a copy of the email and staple it to the return letter.
  • Save the email (file menu-save as) to tsserver/Voyager procedures/V2000 procedures/returns letters/approval returns folder or the firm order_contins returns folder as appropriate. The file name is the vendor code followed by the invoice number. Depending on what email program you are using, the file name may get a .msg extension or an .html extension. For example:

    ap-tou B00024383.msg or touS00038453.html


2. Invoice processing :

  • Mark the lines to be deducted in red and write Deduction in red at the top of the invoice.
  • Annotate the Voyager purchase order line item note for each title "Returned/shipped [date][initials]" . Be sure you annotate the PO line item note, not the Invoice line item note.
  • Forward the invoice to the "to be paid" or "zero dollar" rack as appropriate.

3.Shipping :

  • Fill out and print a shipping ticket (see sample for instructions).
  • Save the shipping ticket to tsserver2/Voyager procedures/V2000 procedures/returns letters/approval returns folder or the firm order_contins returns folder as appropriate. . The file name is the vendor code followed by shipyyyymmdd. For example,
  • ap-touship20060918
  • Books, returns letter and shipping ticket should be tied together and placed on the mail pickup table near the TSD secretaries' desks.

4. Special cases : Worldwide

  • Worldwide has requested that we supply their stock number for the titles being returned. You may add this information to the email template.