Princeton University Library Department of Special Collections (hereafter “the Library”) collects and preserves digital materials according to the Library's usual policies and procedures. Certain processing and preservation procedures, however, are unique to digital materials and are addressed below.

Please note: All donations must be discussed with the relevant librarian beforehand to ensure that the donation is an appropriate fit with our holdings. We ask that you complete the form on the Ask Special Collections page so that we can direct your request to the correct person. Digital materials must be placed exclusively with the Library. Donors agree to allow Library staff to migrate files, make preservation and access copies, and carry out any other procedures necessary to ensure the long-term preservation of digital content.

Donor Information
Part 1: Location and Transfer of Digital Records
Location of digital materials (check all that apply):
Does the transfer include legacy digital media? Please choose all that apply.
Part 2: Access
The Library acquires materials with the intent of making them available to the public as soon as possible, barring any state and federal laws and regulations that may apply. If, however, you wish to restrict access to all or select materials for a defined period of time, please indicate this below.
Does the Library have your permission to disable or bypass passwords or encryption systems, if any, to gain access to the digital files?
The Library is sometimes able to recover files that were previously deleted and make them accessible again. If your materials contain deleted files, does the Library have your permission to recover them?
Does the Library have your permission to preserve and provide access to log files, system files, and other similar data that document the use of computers and systems, if any are received with the donated materials?
Part 3: Privacy
The Library will review the digital materials in the collection in an attempt to identify items that contain personally identifiable or otherwise private information. We will adhere to existing professional guidelines and state and federal laws to determine the appropriate course(s) of actions, which may include deleting files, restricting files for a defined period, or, in some cases, taking no action. Any files that are restricted or deleted will be documented in the description of your materials that appears on the Princeton University finding aids website. Please indicate your awareness of any such materials below.
Part 4: Storage Media
Computer hardware and/or removable media that is not being retained as part of the collection will be securely removed and/or destroyed after the transfer is complete, unless you prefer the media to be returned to you.