Documentaires Colonies. Le Japon sous la neige

Title: Documentaires Colonies. Le Japon sous la neige
Translated Title: 
Colonial Documentaries. Japan Under Snow.
Japan under snow. Japan is not always flourishing under the serenity of blue summer; here on a slope of Mount Fuji, a village in the snow. The snow falls everywhere uniformly, and dresses in its whiteness houses and landscapes. Tall wooden clogs hardly make walking easier. The parasols that Japanese women keep in summer protect them equally in winter. Stilts are also well known to young Japanese and are an amusement to them. The rigors of temperature, are not, for the young Japanese, but a pretext for joyful frolics. Through these wintery landscape the imagination is pleased to imagine blooming cherries, violet stalactites of wisteria, tranquil ponds of lotus.
Series Title: 
Documentaires Colonies
Translated Series Title: 
Colonial Documentaries
Series Subtitle: 
Colonial Documentaries