ArticleExpress is the Library’s electronic document delivery service that allows you to request:Journal articlesBook chapters or selectionsConference proceedings papersNewspaper articlesThe service offers electronic delivery of these materials in the shortest possible time. Eligibility The University members eligible for the service:Currently enrolled Princeton studentsCurrent Princeton facultyCurrent Princeton staff membersThe first two categories above include research, technical, and other professional staff with a permanent appointment at the University. Availability Notification You will receive an email when your PDFs are available. Most items will be delivered within 72 hours.You can download, print or read them online. Do not share or distribute materials.Documents will remain in your account for 21 days. Copyright Statement and Costs When you register as a new user of the ArticleExpress (or Interlibrary Loan) service, you will be asked to read and accept the copyright statement before proceeding. Copyright costs will be covered by the ArticleExpress Service, up to a maximum of $50 per request. Request Guidelines The following guidelines will help our staff deliver the fastest, most accurate service:Submit only 1 article or book chapter per request. Enter citation information as accurately and completely as possible. Check on the status of your requests by logging into your ArticleExpress account and navigating down to "Reviewing requests." Article Limits There is no limit on the number of requests you can submit via the service, however we suggest that you submit no more than 5 per day. Page Limits Keep requests for an article or chapter to 50 scanned pages or fewer. Please limit requests to no more than 3 chapters from the same book or 3 articles from the same journal issue. Our document suppliers may not fulfill requests for more than these amounts.We cannot fulfill request scans of entire journals or books due to copyright law. If you need more than 50 pages or 3 chapters, please check out the book or request it via BorrowDirect. ReCAP Materials Materials located in ReCAP must be requested from ReCAP directly. Please click on the blue “request” button found in the catalog record. Place a RequestAccess ArticleExpress with your NetID and password.Log in