DSS Lab (Firestone A-12G) Data and Statistical Services Lab Data and Statistical Services (DSS) provides data and statistical consulting. Experts are available to advise on choosing appropriate data, application of quantitative research methods, the interpretation of statistical analyses, data conversion, and data visualization. Hardware 13 PCs w/Windows 10 and 28″ monitors. Workstations against the windows have 1.86 TB storage/128 GB RAM. Other workstations have 953 GB storage/64 GB RAM.1 super mini-computer with 8 TB storage/2 TB RAM.Printer Statistics software Stata/SE 9-17 (32/64 bit) (also available in all OIT clusters)Stata/MP 17 (64 bit)SPSS 28 (PASW) SAS 9.4R, RStudioMATLABPython 2.7/3.6 (Anaconda suite)Virtual machine emulation softwareAdditional software not found in the DSS Lab and where to receive support:ArcGiS/QGIS (GIS)Qualitative Analysis software: MAXQDA/Nvivo/QDA MinerLite (Stokes VizHub)Metashape support (photogrammetry) (Digital Scholarship) Compression software 7-Zip (freeware) Conversion software Stat/Transfer From PDF to Excel/Word Single page scanner