Lewis Circulation moved to Engineering

Circulation services, course reserves, and holds for all STEM disciplines are now located at the STEM Circulation Desk in the Engineering Library in Fine Hall.


Lewis supports teaching and research in Astrophysics, Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Physics, and Psychology, and includes the Map and Geospatial Information Center.  

Library Spaces

Lewis Group Study Rooms

Group study rooms in Lewis Library are dedicated to collaborative work rather than individual study. Students and/or faculty working in groups of two or more may use these rooms. 

Digital Project Alcove

The Digital Project Alcove on the 4th floor of the Lewis has a PC and a Mac, two scanners and a network printer. Specialized software to assist patrons with starting projects is available on the computers.

Lewis Study Carrels

Carrels are available for anyone to use. There are 29 carrels on Lewis 3rd and 4th, and A-Floors, and 15 carrels in the Fine Hall Wing.

Classroom Spaces

Registrar-Controlled Classrooms

Registrar-controlled classrooms include 306, 311 and 312 on the Library’s third floor, and rooms 117, 120-122, 134 and 138 off the Atrium. Please contact the Registrar’s office for further information and reservations.

Lewis Computer Classroom

A 20-PC classroom with specialized software is located on Lewis 2nd floor, Room 225. Librarians offer instruction sessions and workshops, and some sessions are reserved for drop-in help. 

Services and Centers

The Princeton University Library Makerspace is an informal learning space, open to faculty, students, and staff from all disciplines.

The Map and Geospatial Information Center is located in the Lewis Library’s Fine Hall Wing. The Center provides access to paper maps, geospatial data, digital maps and geographic information systems (GIS) services. In addition, we provide ongoing reference, research consultation and instruction to all levels of user experience in our facility or in your office or classroom. 

Science and Engineering Librarians

Research and Instruction Support

Research Consultations

Students and faculty are welcome to make an appointment for a research consultation directly with a subject librarian. 

Schedule a consultation

Instruction & Research Workshops

Your liaison librarian can meet with you to discuss your learning objectives and create course or assignment-specific workshops. 

Custom Research Guides

Librarians can also design research guides to link to or embed in Canvas to guide your students.


Lewis Library offers an extensive collection of materials for astronomy, astrophysics, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental sciences, geosciences, mathematics, physic, plasma physics, and psychology. The Lewis collection is primarily located on B-floor of the Fine Hall wing. Lewis collections in ReCAP can be requested. 

Computing and Software

The Lewis Library includes fifteen publicly accessible Windows computers. Five iMacs with additional software are available. 

A Bloomberg terminal and access to the McGraw Digital Learning Lab software are available on the first floor.

All computers are connected to the Print Release Stations. Black and white printing and color printing are available in the Lewis Library. 

lewis science library