Explore Special Collections

We invite you to explore the holdings in Special Collections which encompass a number of collecting areas, formats and time periods. Information on placing digitization requests, including for Senior Theses, and guidelines for copyright and citations can be found here.

Learn more about access and our collecting areas 

Visit Special Collections

All are welcome to conduct research in Special Collections. The materials housed in Special Collections Firestone and Special Collections Mudd do not circulate, however researchers can access the physical collections in one of our reading rooms. 

Learn more on how to visit

Teach with Special Collections

Teaching with Special Collections is a collaboration between faculty and library staff. We look forward to sharing our spaces, the collections, and our skills and knowledge with your students.

Learn more on how to plan a session

Ask Special Collections

We welcome you to reach out to us with any questions you may have. To ensure we can respond as effectively as possible, please provide clear and detailed information in your inquiry. Kindly note that it may take 7-10 business days for us to respond. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Contact us using our online form

Friends of the Princeton University Library Research Grants

Woman working at reading table with rare books

Each year, the Friends of the Princeton University Library offer short-term Library Research Grants to promote scholarly use of the Princeton University Library special and distinct collections. Applications will be considered for scholarly use of archives, manuscripts, rare books, and other rare and unique holdings in Special Collections, including Mudd Library; as well as rare books in Marquand Library of Art and Archaeology, and in the East Asian Library (Gest Collection).

FPUL Research Grants

Read our Blogs

Find new and exciting areas of the collections.

Special Collections

Highlights Princeton University Library’s rare books, manuscripts, and archives.

View the Special Collections blog

  • February 2025 Decalcomania
    February 14, 2025
    After our January break, our February sticker collection is here to woo your heart with our weird and wonderful depictions of love.

University Archives

Highlights resources for uncovering the history of Princeton University through the University Archives housed in Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library.

Visit the University Archives blog

Pop Goes the Page

Highlights Cotsen Children's Library story times, programs, and workshops.

Visit the Pop Goes the Page blog

Cotsen Curatorial

Events and items in the collection of Cotsen Children's Library presented by the curatorial staff.

Visit the Cotsen Curatorial blog