Tiers of Service

Princeton University Library offers two levels of service for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: one level offers in-depth consultations on reviews and the second offers the possibility of librarian co-authorship. 

Tier One: Librarian Consultations

In this model, the subject librarian can advise the research team on: 

  • Sources of studies: databases, grey literature, listservs, contacting authors
  • Identifying keywords and constructing an effective search query
  • How to validate a search query
  • Executing searches and exporting results
  • Recommendations for bibliographic management
  • Recommendations for automation tools for screening


All researchers are welcome to schedule research consultations for all types of reviews for any subject area. 

Tier Two: Librarian Co-authorship

Solely at the discretion of the librarian and according to their time and availability, it may be possible for the librarian to join the research team as a collaborator and co-author who is responsible for data collection (gathering studies).  In this model the librarian will: 

  • Identify sources of literature
  • Work with the research team to identify keywords
  • Construct and validate the search query
  • Execute and document the search
  • Export bibliographic records into a bibliographic record manager (ex. Zotero, EndNote)
  • De-duplicate search results
  • Present the research team with the initial data set for screening
  • Contribute to the methodology section of the manuscript
  • Provide supplementary materials for reproducibility of the search strategy


  1. Tier Two of the Systematic Review Service which offers librarian co-authorship is only available to research teams producing a systematic review or meta-analysis. At this time we do not offer co-authorship for other review types such as scoping reviews, mapping reviews, or literature reviews. 
  2. The research team must agree to register a research protocol (research plan). 
  3. The research team must agree to sign a Memorandum of Understanding which outlines the responsibilities of the librarian and establishing co-authorship. 
  4. Librarians may not co-author any piece of research or scholarship that will be submitted for a grade.

Systematic Review Service Team

Make an Appointment

Reach out to the library before you start a systematic review or meta-analysis. The librarians from our Systematic Review Service can guide you toward the appropriate methodologies and guidelines for your research question.

Make an Appointment 

Why should I consult with a librarian?

All guidelines for conducting a systematic review or meta-analysis recommends that the research team consult with a librarian or information specialist to create the search strategy. 

A librarian can:

  • advise on search methodology
  • ensure your search is comprehensive or exhaustive
  • recommend databases and other sources of literature (both published and unpublished)
  • help develop search terms (keywords, subject headings, controlled vocabulary)
  • help create and validate a search query
  • advise on how best to export and de-duplicate records from databases
  • advise on bibliographic records management

We highly recommend that researchers considering systematic reviews or meta-analyses reach out to the library for a consultation before beginning the research project. Our librarians can help you locate appropriate standards and guidelines, advise in the creation of a protocol, and advise your team on rigorous, reproducible methods for gathering studies. 

View our research guide on systematic reviews to learn about the types of reviews, the difference between systematic reviews and meta-analysis, and helpful resources to assist in writing protocols and search strategies.

View Systematic Review Research Guide