NACO: Conflict Resolution: Corporate Name Conflicts
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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Corporate name conflicts

There are no non-unique records for corporate bodies. Conflicts between identical corporate body names can, in theory, always be resolved. If two or more bodies have the same name, add an appropriate qualifier to each name. There is no order of preference for the choice of qualifier. For example, an appropriate qualifier for a political party or youth organization would be the jurisdiction that defines its scope of activity.

Choose qualifiers from the following types (RI24.4C)

  1. The name of the place or jurisdiction that reflects the scope of the body's activities. This is the most appropriate qualifier for government bodies.
  2. The name of the local place in which the body is located (or the name of the local place that is commonly associated with the body)
  3. The name of the higher or related body (for subordinate or related bodies)
If none of these is available, you may add the year of founding, or inclusive years of existence (24.4C6). Other additions are also possible, although less frequent (24.4C7).

1. Heading-Reference Conflicts

Heading-reference conflicts are resolved by adding a qualifier to the reference only (RI 24.4C). Follow this principle whether the reference is on the new record you are creating, or on a record already in the NAF.
Do not change the heading.

2. Heading-Heading Conflicts

In the case of true conflicts between corporate body name headings, both headings should be qualified (although you may find cases in the NAF where this principle was not observed). This may mean changing an existing heading, as well as qualifying the heading you are about to establish.

Do not make additions to a corporate body heading to avoid a possible future conflict. Consider only names that are already in the NAF. However, common names which do not conflict may be qualified at the discretion of the cataloger to improve the heading (RI 24.4C).

3. Examples

Scope of body's activity

Socialist Labor Party (Tex.)
Socialist Labor Party (Wash.)


Church of God (Washington, D.C.)
Church of God (Leesburg, Fla.)

Higher or related body

Environmental Law Society (University of California, Los Angeles)
Environmental Law Society (University of South Carolina)

Year of founding

New Jersey. Council [heading]
New Jersey. Council (1937- ) reference on a different record]


Wildcats (Musical group) [established first]
Wildcats (Vocal group)
Wildcats (Jazz group)


Institute of Industrial Engineers (1981- )
Institute of Industrial Engineers (Australia)
[one body qualified by founding date, the other by scope of activity]

Front national (France : 1972- )
Front national (France : 1945- )
[both bodies active in France]