NACO: Indistinctive Titles
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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Indistinctive titles

If the title proper is so indistinct that it is insufficient to identify the work in an online catalog, the main entry should be cited before the title.

If the main entry for a work cited is the heading being established, represent personal authors by "His" or "Her".
If it is uncertain which pronoun applies, "Author's" should be used. Represent corporate bodies and uniform titles by "Its". When the main entry of a work being cited includes further levels of a hierarchy than are represented in the heading, include these further levels after "Its". Use this technique also in the case of citations of headings for sequential conferences.

    111 20 Congresso da Mulher Paulista
    670 Its (3rd : 1981 : Ginasio do Pacaembu). Resoluçoes, 1981
    :‡bt.p. (III Congresso da Mulher Paulista) p. 2 (held July 6, 1981 at the Ginasio do Pacaembu)

    100 10 Butler, Henry, ‡dd. 1652
    670 His Complete works, c1991:‡bt.p. (Henry Butler) p. 7 (d.1652)

If the work is entered under some other main entry heading than the name being established, abbreviate the m.e. as much as possible. For personal authors, omit birth/death dates, titles of honor and nobility, etc., and use initials for forenames. Normally, abbreviate corporate body main entries by shortening words, not by omitting them.

    100 10 Ghiraldo, Alberto
    670 Dario, R. Obras completas, 1923- :‡bv. 1, t.p. (Alberto Ghiraldo)