NACO: 4xx Corporate References: Ampersands
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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4xx references: Corporate Names: Ampersands and abbreviations

If the name used in the heading contains an ampersand or other symbol representing the word and in any language, make a reference from the name using the word form whenever the symbol occurs within the first five words of the heading.

    110 20 Donahue & Associates
    410 20 Donahue and Associates
Make a reference from the full form of an abbreviation only if the abbreviation:
  1. occurs within the first five words of the heading;
  2. is not listed in Appendix B.9 of AACR2 as a standard abbreviation; and
  3. does not represent a proper name.
      110 20 St. Paul's School (Boaz, Ala.)
      410 20 Saint Paul's School (Boaz, Ala.)

      110 20 Jos. A. Reese Corp.
      410 20 Reese Corp.

        [No reference from Joseph A. Reese Corp. - Jos. represents a proper name; Corp. is in B.9]