NACO: AMICUS, the NLC Authority File
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Sources of NLC verification: In this order of preference

1. Canadian CIP

2. NLC headings in RLIN

3. AMICUS, the NLC authority file

Sources of NLC verification: AMICUS, the NLC Authority File

If neither Canadian CIP nor NLC in RLIN is available, search AMICUS, the Canadian online authority file.

If the heading is found in AMICUS, cite it as:

    670  AMICUS database, [date of search] |b ([heading])
  • Personal name headings not found in AMICUS can be established according to AACR2 and LCRI rules with no further verification. In this case, add a 675 field to your authority record to show that AMICUS was consulted, e.g.
      675 AMICUS database, Mar. 23, 1998

  • Corporate name headings not found in AMICUS must be established for us by NLC personnel. Write "not found" on the printout of your authority record for Canadian corporate bodies which do not have an entry in CIP or AMICUS.