NACO: Serial citations -- form
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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Serial citations -- form

670 field

basic form:
670 Serial title, date of issue: |b location on piece (data)

citing from two different locations on same issue:
670 Serial title, date of issue: |b location 1 (data) location 2 (data)

citing from two different issues of the same serial:
670 Serial title, date 1: |b location (data); date 2: location (data)

670 Journal of British podiatric medicine, Apr. 1996:‡bcontents p. (Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists; London); Jan. 1991: p. iii (Society of Chiropodists; London)

citing from two different serials:
Use two separate 670 fields.

675 field

Same form as 670, with two exceptions:

Omit |b delimiter (just leave a space after the colon)
Use only one per record; separate multiple sources iwth a semicolon and |a delimiter

basic form:
675 Serial title, date of issue: location (data); |a Title 2, date of issue: location (data)

Note: If a serial title change has taken place, and the earlier and later titles are represented by separate bibliographic records, they are considered two different serials, and information from them would be cited in separate 670 fields.