DVD: Classification
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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DVD regions

Descriptive cataloging

Subject cataloging


Physical treatment


Examples in Voyager


Videorecordings get a sequential accession number like microforms. Videocassettes are preceded by VCASS; DVD’s are preceded by DVD (e.g. DVD 2215).

To find the next available number search in Voyager by Browse / Call number, using the Locations Filter for your location. It helps to have a rough idea of the next available number so that the browse function drops you fairly near that point; looking in the shelflist before searching is also a good idea. Once you find the next available number, put a card in the shelflist. Do this for all locations except VIDL and MUS for which we no longer create shelflist cards.

The shelflist is located on the first floor in the aisle running through the middle of CaMS staff desks.

NOTE: videorecordings going to recap are simply assigned the call number VCASS or DVD as appropriate without any numbering.