Translation Table
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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Translation table

Use of small x

Preferred order for individual authors

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Classification / Shelflisting policy

Translation table
A translation is a rendering from one language into another, or from an older form of a language into a modern form, more or less closely following the original.

The translation table is used when cuttering for a translation only when a uniform title plus language(s) is provided and when the main entry is a personal author or title.

  • The translation table is not used for entries with a corporate or conference heading.

If a language is not listed in the Translation table, select a number for that language which would agree alphabetically with the table and any translation(s) previously shelflisted in the same class. When possible, use the number in the "Suggested numbers" table.

For example, if a German translation is already shelflisted at .x15, a Greek translation would be .x16, Hindi .x17, etc. This arrangement is considered a general guide.

    The translation tables were not applied to the N schedules which have been modified at Princeton.
Translation Table
.x Original work
.x12 Polyglot
.x125 Arabic
.x127 Chinese
.x13 English
.x14 French
.x15 German
.x154 Hebrew
.x16 Italian
.x163 Japanese
.x164 Korean
.x167 Portuguese
.x17 Russian
.x18 Spanish
.x19 Vietnamese


Suggested numbers
.x118 Catalan
.x122 Czech
.x124 Danish
.x138 Finnish
.x157 Hungarian
.x165 Persian
.x168 Polish
.x178 Slovak
.x179 Slovenian
.x183 Swedish
.x185 Turkish