N Schedule (Old Practice)
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N schedule (old practice)
Historically, Princeton has departed from the LC N classification schedule (art) for materials located in F, SA, Gest and AAS.

In July 1987 it was decided to adopt LC N classification unmodified except for monographs on individual artists or architects which were to be located in F, SA, Gest or AAS. As of October 2009 LC/PCC numbers fo rindividual artists and architects will also be accepted as is.

Some features of the locally-modified N schedule:

  • It was essentially a simplification of the LC N schedule. Often, the guiding principle was to class similar materials together (e.g., church architecture was classed with general architecture, unlike LC's practice).
  • Cutters for local places sometimes differed from LC's. Thus care must be taken when deriving such cutters from NOTIS: titles cataloged before July 1987 may not have the current LC cutter for your locality.
  • The translation table was not applied to the schedule, but now it is.
  • An effort was made to class as much material as possible bound for SA in the N class (e.g., descriptive works on cities, which emphasized the city's artistic attractions, were classed in N rather than D or F).
These call numbers are never changed merely to bring them into conformity with current LC practice. Also, when cataloging an edition FOR THE SAME LOCATION of a title which was assigned a modified N number, continue to use that number as the basis of the new call number.

There are two copies of the modified N schedule on the Humanities Cataloging Team and one copy in (SA).