Guidelines for 050
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050 4 guidelines -- when to use 050 for a Princeton call number
Beginning September 13, 1995 the Division's policy is to encourage professional catalogers to enter call numbers in a 050 field (indicators blank, 4). The 050 field as input in the bibliographic record can be pulled into the holdings record just as 050s on LC copy do, so that there will be no duplication of effort.

Use of the 050 field is subject to the following guidelines:

We are doing this as part of cooperative cataloging activities. The goal is to produce a call number that other libraries can accept without checking, and to have it in a field in the bibliographic record rather than in a holdings record.

There is no direct benefit to us to using the 050 field, though it does not cost us anything either. We will not go out of our way to put any call number in 050. Basically, catalogers should formulate call numbers as usual, and then decide quickly whether to enter it in 050 or directly into the holdings record.

We will not attempt to edit 050s already on a bibliographic record.

RLG's definition of what is appropriate for 050 will limit its use.

The following categories of call numbers are always excluded:

Clearly non-LC numbers, such as Richardson or microform accession numbers
Any CAS number
Call numbers with a size symbol
Individual artist numbers from the artist file
Individual musician/composer numbers (ML410-ML429)

When creating a PCC record, use the 050 field for musicians, artists, and literary authors only when the PCC guidelines have been met.

If in any doubt about whether a call number that you have assigned is suitable for 050 under the above guidelines, input it into the 852 field in the holdings record only. If using 050 is in any way troublesome, as with multiple locations that have different call numbers, input the number into the 852 field in the holdings record only.