Processing Approval Book Shipments with Purchased Cataloging




Newly published titles are well advertised and generate many requests from patrons, so in order to provide the best service we purchase catalog records to load into the Voyager system. This allows us to quickly get the books onto the shelves with minimal end processing. Our policy is to have staff process both the purchased catalog record in Voyager and perform the physical processing on the book as a single operation. This means a hardcover book will be sent for shelving on the same day that the record is processed and a soft cover book will be sent to the commercial binder with the next weekly shipment.


Currently we purchase catalog records from three of our approval plan vendors. The Coutts approval plan covers new titles published in the United States in the areas of the humanities and social sciences. Casalini supplies titles in similar subject areas published in Italy, while YBP supplies new titles in Engineering published in the United States.


Every shipment consists of books that will be kept and books that will be returned (or that represent processing problems of some kind.) Books that are to be kept, and that have fully cataloged records are processed entirely by Shelf Direct and Binding Services staff. Books without full LC catalog records will have partial updating of the Voyager record, including adding an item record and barcoding the book. These will be set aside for other staff to complete. In addition, duplicate/problem titles are set aside for other staff to deal with.


In all cases, the guiding principle for staff to consider is that every book should be fully processed and shelved at the earliest possible moment; and that shipments should be completed so that the invoice may be processed at the earliest possible moment. No procedure may be established which results in books or invoice being held up unnecessarily.


Overview       Loading records       Receipt and review of shipment       Setting up Voyager for Processing      Processing the shipment       Processing the shipment step 2     Win-alt-l macro       Win-alt-n macro       Possible return/problem pile