Processing Approval Books Shipments


Setting up Voyager for processing


Open up both the Cataloging and Acquisitions modules. Before starting the shipment it is important to set up preferences in the Cataloging and Acquisitions modules according to standard guidelines for both the Cataloging and Acquisitions modules.


Follow the instructions for Approval or Order Division, except on the Validation tab, where there is a setting for "Binding staff doing Shelf Ready". Be sure to ask an Order Division manager if you do not know how to do this. The first time a Save to DB operation is performed after opening up the Cataloging module , you will see the following dialog box :


Click on No. If the message says that your current Import/Replace profile is something other than OCLC Add Conditional, please contact a manager for help unless you are sure you know how to correctly change it.


So that this message will not interrupt a macro when you are processing books, do the following after logging in to Cataloging: Click on the magnifying glass (search) icon Search for Title(Bib)"1/2 hour". When the record for "1/2 hour special handling" comes up, click on the Boat icon
to save the record.
When you see the dialog box (above) click on No. You will not see this message again unless you log out of cataloging.


Overview       Loading records       Receipt and review of shipment       Setting up Voyager for Processing      Processing the shipment       Processing the shipment step 2     Win-alt-l macro       Win-alt-n macro       Possible return/problem pile