Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1701 - 1750 of 2507
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BS Cod. graec. 524 14th Saints lives, Theology John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus
BS Cod. graec. 525 14th Aesop, Syntipas
BS Cod. graec. 529 14th Rhetoric, Grammar, History, Letters Aristides, George Lacapenus, Nicephorus Gregoras, Libanius
BS Cod. graec. 544 14th Theology
BS Cod. graec. 552 14th Saints lives
BS Cod. graec. 563 14th Philosophy Nicephorus Blemmydes
BS Cod. graec. 564 14th Saints lives, Misc.
BS Cod. graec. 586 13th, 14th Menaion
BS Cod. graec. 587 14th Menaion
BS Cod. graec. 592 a 14th Menaion
BS Cod. graec. 592 c 14th Letters
BS Cod. graec. 592 f 14th Politics, Economics
BS Cod. graec. 608 13th, 14th Liturgy Basil the Great
BS Cod. graec. 85 14th Rhetoric, Letters, Dreams, Philosophy Demosthenes, Plutarch, Synesius, Nicephorus Gregoras, John Philoponus
BU 1808 14th, 15th Medicine Galen, Aetius
BU 2212 14th History John VI Cantacuzenus
BU 2372 14th Saints lives
BU 2412 13th, 14th Theology, History Photius, Theophylact of Ochrid, John Zonaras, John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus
BU 2925 14th Psalter
Cadbury Research Library Mingana gr. 3 14th, 15th Bible
Christ Church College Wake gr. 49 14th, 15th Letters, Theology, Oracula Cyril of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise, Gennadios II Scholarios, Euthymius Zigabenus
College Library MS L4 13th, 14th Gospel lectionary
Dionysios 159 14th Bible
Dionysios 254 14th Bible
Dionysios 306 14th Misc. John of Damascus
Dionysios 398 14th Theology John of Damascus, Maximus the Confessor, Nicetas Heracleensis, John Chrysostom
Dionysios 56 14th Bible
Dionysios 63 14th Psalter
Dionysios 8 14th Bible
Dionysios 87 14th Saints lives, Barlaam and Joasaph, Romance
Dionysios 88 14th Bible
Drew University MS 1 1 14th Bible
Duke University Library Clark MS 102 13th, 14th Liturgy
Duke University Library Clark MS 14 14th Liturgy Basil the Great
Duke University Library Clark MS 4 13th, 14th Bible
Duke University Library Clark MS 64 14th Bible
Duke University Library Clark MS 73 14th Theology John Chrysostom, John of Damascus
Duke University Library Clark MS 79 14th, 15th Theology John of Damascus, Gregory Thaumaturgus
Dumbarton Oaks MS 4 12th, 13th, 14th Bible
EBE 105 14th Bible, Theology John Chrysostom
EBE 108 14th Bible
EBE 108 14th Bible
EBE 122 14th Bible
EBE 127 14th Bible
EBE 127 14th Bible
EBE 137 14th Bible
EBE 151 14th Bible
EBE 153 14th Bible
EBE 154 14th Bible
EBE 155 14th Bible
