Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1 - 50 of 73
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 1 11th Theology John Chrysostom
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 10 15th Church councils
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 11 15th Church councils
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 12 15th, 16th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 13 16th Poems, Theology Gregory Nazianzus, Nemesius, Hermes
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 14 15th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 15 16th Philosophy Aristotle, David
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 16 10th Theology John Chrysostom
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 17 11th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 18 11th Geometry Euclid
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 19 11th Geometry Euclid
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 2 12th Theology Nicetas Heracleensis
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 20 15th, 16th Sophocles
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 21 15th, 16th Military Leo VI the Wise, Aelian, Polynaeus
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 23 15th Geography Dionysius Periegetes
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 3 14th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 4 16th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus, Cyril of Alexandria
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 5 16th Theology Anastasius Sinaita
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 6 16th Theology Polychronius Diaconus
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 7 16th Theology Gregory of Nyssa
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 8 16th Theology
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 9 16th Theology Philotheus Coccinus
BU 1497 16th Theology, Astronomy, Engineering, Mathematics Justin Martyr, Origen, Cleomedes, John Pediasimus, Hero of Alexandria
BU 1766 16th Euripides, Aristophanes, Lucian
BU 1808 14th, 15th Medicine Galen, Aetius
BU 2048.1 16th Music, Harmonics Manuel Bryennius, Euclid, Plutarch
BU 2048.2 16th Music, Harmonics Nicomachus of Gerasa
BU 2048.3 16th Geometry
BU 2048.4 16th Optics Euclid
BU 2048.5 16th Harmonics Ptolemy, Porphyry
BU 2212 14th History John VI Cantacuzenus
BU 2263 16th Mathematics Nicomachus of Gerasa
BU 2271 15th Aeschylus
BU 2280 16th Geography, Astronomy, Harmonics Ptolemy, Porphyry, Proclus
BU 2287 11th Theology Basil the Great
BU 2288 11th Theology Basil the Great
BU 2290 16th Philosophy Plato, Olympiodorus, Iamblichus
BU 2292 16th Geometry Euclid
BU 2293 16th Geometry, Mathematics Proclus, Euclid, Theon
BU 2294 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias, Dexippus
BU 2302 15th, 16th Philosophy, Animals, Astronomy Aristotle
BU 2304 16th Theology Eusebius of Caesarea
BU 2305 15th, 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias, Proclus
BU 2359 15th Philosophy Simplicius, Epictetus
BU 2372 14th Saints lives
BU 2373 11th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BU 2378 13th, 16th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
BU 2412 13th, 14th Theology, History Photius, Theophylact of Ochrid, John Zonaras, John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus
BU 2432 15th Mathematics, Harmonics, Philosophy Euclid, Ptolemy, Barlaam of Calabria, Plethon
BU 2498 16th Lexicon
