Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1 - 50 of 53
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Ambrosiana A 183 sup. 14th Anthologion Stobaeus
Ambrosiana F 30 sup. 15th Anthologion Aristophanes
Ambrosiana H 22 sup. 16th Poems, Anthologion, Philosophy, Schedography Homer, Hesiod, Nicephorus Blemmydes, Aristotle, Manuel Moschopoulos
BAV Barb. gr. 123 15th, 16th Anthologion, Epigrammata Maximus Planudes
BAV Barb. gr. 185 17th Anthologion
BAV Pal. gr. 430 16th Anthologion Stobaeus
BAV Reg. gr. 146 16th Anthologion Stobaeus
BAV Vat. gr. 954 15th Anthologion Stobaeus
BAV Vat. gr. 955 15th Anthologion Stobaeus
Biblioteca Universitaria 2212 16th Anthologion, Epigrammata Maximus Planudes
BN Grec 1168 14th, 15th Theology, Anthologion Stobaeus, Leo VI the Wise, Agapetus
BN Grec 1984 13th Anthologion Stobaeus
BN Grec 1985 15th Anthologion Stobaeus
BN Grec 2092 15th Anthologion Stobaeus
BN Grec 2129 15th Anthologion Stobaeus
BN Grec 2130 16th Anthologion Stobaeus
BN Grec 253 15th Anthologion
BN Grec 2739 15th Anthologion, Epigrammata
BN Grec 2740 15th Anthologion, Epigrammata
BN Grec 2744 14th Poems, Anthologion, Epigrammata Eudocia
BN Grec 2864 15th Anthologion, Epigrammata
BN Grec 2891 16th Anthologion, Epigrammata, Proverbs Theognis
BN Grec 3012 14th Rhetoric, Philosophy, Anthologion Lucian, Plato, Stobaeus, Demosthenes, Aristides
BN Grec 344 15th Anthologion
BN Grec 399 15th Anthologion
BN Grec 928 13th Anthologion
BN Supplément grec 319 16th Anthologion Stobaeus
BN Supplément grec 4 18th Anthologion
British Library Harley MS 6318 16th Anthologion Stobaeus
BS Cod. graec. 111 15th Anthologion Homer
BS Cod. graec. 396 16th Anthologion Stobaeus
Duke University Library Clark MS 52 15th Anthologion Michael Psellus
Marciana gr. Z. 481 13th, 14th Epigrammata, Anthologion, Florilegium Maximus Planudes, Nonnus
Mone Hagiou Neophytou 20 19th Anthologion, Hymns
Mone Hagiou Neophytou 46 Anthologion
Mone tou Leimonos 94 15th, 16th Anthologion, Liturgy
ÖNB Phil. gr. 67 10th, 12th, 14th Anthologion Stobaeus
Patriarchal Library Hagios Sabas 227 14th Anthologion
Patriarchal Library Hagios Stavros 70 18th Anthologion
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 425 14th Anthologion
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 537 15th Psalter, Sticherarion, Anthologion
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 61 14th Anthologion
Royal Library Fabricius 75 13th, 14th Anthologion, Animals, Poems Aelian, Paul Silentiarios, Manuel Moschopoulos, Marcus Aurelius
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1445 16th Anthologion
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1480 16th Anthologion
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1509 17th Anthologion
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1538 15th Anthologion
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1545 15th Anthologion
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 642 15th Anthologion
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 648 15th Anthologion
