NACO: Names Well-Established in English
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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Names well-established in English-language reference sources (22.3B3 & 22.3C)

Choose the form of name that has become well-established in English-language reference sources, for names written in non-roman scripts (22.3C), and for persons entered under given name or Romans of classical times (22.3B3).
Well-established generally means found in the same form in more than one source.


    100 00 Philip‡bII,‡cKing of France,‡d1165-1223
    400 00 ‡wnne‡aPhilippe‡bII Auguste,‡cKing of France,‡d1165-1223
    400 00 Philippe Auguste,‡cKing of France,‡d1165-1223
    400 00 Philip Augustus,‡cKing of France,‡d1165-1223
    400 00 Philipp‡bII Augustus,‡cKing of France,‡d1165-1223
    400 00 Philip‡bII Augustus,‡cKing of France,‡d1165-1223
    670 La France de Philippe Auguste, 1982:‡bp. 7 (only son of Louis VII, Philippe II succeeded 9/18/1180)
    670 The government of Philip Augustus, c1985:‡bCIP pref. (Philipp II Augustus, Konig von Frankreich)
    670 Enc. Amer., 1988‡b(Philip II, 1165-1223, king of France; called "Philip Augustus"; crowned 1179)
    670 Collier's enc., c1987‡b(Philip II or Philip Augustus, 1165-1223, Capetian king of France)
    670 Acad. Amer. enc.‡b(Philip II, king of France (Philip Augustus); picture caption: Philip II Augustus)
For special guidelines on how to apply this rule for names written in non-roman scripts, see RI 22.3C.