Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 51 - 86 of 86
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BR SCA 26 15th Philosophy, Politics Aristotle
BR SCA 31 16th Law
BR SCA 32 16th Inscriptions, Geography, Letters
BR SCA 33 11th Astronomy
BR SCA 36 14th Geometry Euclid
BR SCA 48 15th Geometry Euclid
BR SCA 51 15th Astronomy, Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Plethon, Bessarion
BR SCA 52 15th Astronomy
BR SCA 55 15th Romance
BR SCA 58 15th, 16th Poems Gregory Nazianzus
BR VGF 54 17th Church councils
BR VGF 64 15th Homer, Eustathios of Thessaloniki, Porphyry
BR VGF 67 16th, 17th Theology, Index codicum Gregory of Nyssa, Michael Psellus
BR VGF 74 15th Philosophy Plato
BR VGQ 11 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BR VGQ 20 13th Grammar
BR VGQ 3 13th Philosophy, Science Aristotle
BR VGQ 32 15th Hesiod, John Tzetzes
BR VGQ 36 15th Philosophy Plethon
BR VMI 12 16th, 17th Theology, Letters Photius
BR VMI 31 17th Church councils
BR VMI 32 16th Athenaeus
BR VMI 9 17th Theology
BR VUL 108 Medicine Hippocrates
BR VUL 17 16th Letters Gregory of Cyprus, Manuel Chrysoloras
BR VUL 2 15th History, Rhetoric, Art Xenophon, Polybius, Theodore of Gaza, Philostratus, Maximus of Tyre
BR VUL 3 16th Theology
BR VUL 43 15th Medicine Galen
BR VUL 6 13th Theology Gregory of Nyssa
BR VUL 64 15th Theology Gregory of Nyssa, Leo VI the Wise
BR VUL 7 16th Politics, Military Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Leo VI the Wise
BR VUL 9 16th History Agathias
BR VUL 95 16th Letters Manuel Chrysoloras
BR WYT 14 18th Philosophy Porphyry, Iamblichus, Plato
BR WYT 32 Philosophy Maximus of Tyre
BR WYT 50 Philosophy Maximus of Tyre, Lucian, Sextus Empiricus
