Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1 - 50 of 86
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BR BPG 18 17th Philosophy Aristotle
BR BPG 107 14th Astronomy Cleomedes
BR BPG 109 3rd Hesiod
BR BPG 122 16th, 17th Letters
BR BPG 16D 17th Harmonics Porphyry, Ptolemy, Barlaam of Calabria
BR BPG 16J 11th History Flavius Josephus
BR BPG 2A 16th Medicine Galen
BR BPG 2C 16th Rhetoric Dio Chrysostomus
BR BPG 33C 16th Law
BR BPG 33E 16th Lexicon
BR BPG 33G 16th Military
BR BPG 33H 15th Homer
BR BPG 34B 17th Epigrammata Paul Silentiarios
BR BPG 37 16th Theology John Chrysostom
BR BPG 4 16th Philosophy Nicholas of Methone
BR BPG 49 14th Theology Gregory of Cyprus
BR BPG 49A 12th Psalter
BR BPG 59 16th Philosophy Proclus, Theophrastus, Plutarch
BR BPG 6 16th Medicine Aetius
BR BPG 60A 13th, 14th, 16th Theology Anastasius Sinaita, Sophronius, Cyril of Alexandria, Sophocles
BR BPG 67J 17th, 18th Epigrammata
BR BPG 7 16th Geometry Euclid, Proclus
BR BPG 74C 15th Hymns Homer
BR BPG 74E 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th Rhetoric, Astronomy Aphthonius, Theon, Ptolemy
BR BPG 74F 15th Geography Theognis, Dionysius Periegetes
BR BPG 74G 16th Poems, Mathematics, Philosophy, Grammar Gregory Nazianzus, Nicomachus of Gerasa, Aristotle, Manuel Chrysoloras
BR BPG 78 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th Astronomy Theon, Ptolemy
BR BPG 87 18th Epigrammata
BR BPG 95 11th Saints lives
BR BPL 1406 16th, 17th
BR BPL 875 18th
BR GRO 137 12th, 13th, 14th Bible, Illuminations
BR GRO 65 14th Saints lives
BR LIP 22 16th, 17th Inscriptions
BR MAR 75 18th Lexicon
BR PER F 6 15th, 16th Barlaam and Joasaph, History Plethon, Xenophon, Arrian, John of Damascus
BR PER O 18 15th Rhetoric Lucian, Euripides
BR PER Q 19 18th Animals Oppianus
BR PER Q 22 17th Harmonics Porphyry, Ptolemy, Barlaam of Calabria
BR PER Q 39 14th Mathematics Nicomachus of Gerasa
BR PER Q 39A 14th Geometry Euclid, Proclus
BR PER Q 40 13th History Thucydides
BR RUH 38 Lexicon
BR RUH 49 Rhetoric, Lexicon Eudemus
BR RUH 64 Philosophy Plato
BR SCA 12 16th Geometry, Astronomy Hero of Alexandria, Michael Psellus
BR SCA 15 16th Mathematics, Astronomy, History Hero of Alexandria, Symeon Seth, Michael Psellus
BR SCA 18 16th Medicine Galen
BR SCA 21 16th Theology
BR SCA 22 16th Astronomy Ptolemy
