Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1 - 48 of 48
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
UB gr. 1 4th Bible, Old Testament
UB gr. 11 15th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
UB gr. 13 14th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, John Climacus
UB gr. 15 12th Theology Theodore the Studite
UB gr. 16 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Theology, Philosophy, Astronomy, Constantinople Theophylact of Ochrid, Cleomedes, Aristotle
UB gr. 17 14th Theology Philagathus of Cerami
UB gr. 2 7th, 10th Bible, Old Testament, Palimpsest
UB gr. 20 16th Hymns
UB gr. 21 11th Typikon
UB gr. 23 14th Liturgy Basil the Great
UB gr. 24 15th Philosophy, Politics, Rhetoric, Economics Aristotle
UB gr. 25 16th Philosophy Porphyry
UB gr. 26 15th Rhetoric Hermogenes, Aphthonius
UB gr. 3 8th Gospel lectionary
UB gr. 34 15th Pindar, Theocritus
UB gr. 35 14th Oracula
UB gr. 37 10th, 11th, 15th History Flavius Josephus
UB gr. 38 14th Rhetoric Aristides, Plutarch, Libanius, Nicephorus Gregoras
UB gr. 39 14th Theology, Iconoclasm
UB gr. 4 15th Psalter
UB gr. 41 16th Law
UB gr. 42 16th Law
UB gr. 44 16th, 17th Law, Constantinople
UB gr. 45 14th Law
UB gr. 46 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Law, Canon law
UB gr. 50 16th Medicine Galen
UB gr. 51 16th Medicine Galen
UB gr. 6 10th Bible, Illuminations
UB gr. 69 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th Sticherarion, Saints lives, Canon law, Church councils, Typikon Gregory of Nyssa, John Chrysostom, Ephraem
UB gr. 71 14th, 18th Theology, Canon law Isaac the Syrian
UB gr. 72 12th Bible
UB gr. 73 19th Bible
UB gr. 76 19th Grammar Apollodorus
UB gr. 8 10th, 13th Bible
UB gr. 80 19th Philosophy
UB gr. 81 12th Theology John Chrysostom
UB Rep. I 17 10th History, Constantinople, Military Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
UB Rep. I 2 15th Harmonics Euclid, Nicomachus of Gerasa, Manuel Bryennius
UB Rep. I 3 15th Pneumatica Hero of Alexandria
UB Rep. I 43 14th Aeschylus
UB Rep. I 44a 14th Sophocles
UB Rep. I 63 12th Liturgy, Gospel lectionary
UB Rep. I 66 14th Law
UB Rep. I 68a 15th Philosophy Aristotle, John Philoponus
UB Rep. I 68b 14th Harmonics Nicomachus of Gerasa
UB Rep. I 82 15th, 16th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, John Tzetzes, Lycophron
UB Rep. II 28 12th, 13th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
UB Rep. II 31 15th History Eusebius of Caesarea