OCLC Connexion for NACO Work
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Using OCLC Connexion for NACO work


1)      Open Connexion (double-click on desktop icon)

2)      Create a new record by clicking on:

Authorities: Create: Single Record: [choose record type from list]
F6 = create personal name

3)      Type in record 670(s), 1xx, and 4xx(s).

If you add a reference, remember to change the Ref Status code

Diacritics must be typed AFTER the letter to which they belong.

4)      F4 to save the record to a local file, or go to Action menu and choose Save record to local file

When your records are completely done and ready to submit to the Authorities Committee, you need to print them, and send them to the online save file. Records are sent to the online save file by logging on to the server using the FileLogOn button. If the records have already been printed, highlight them in the list, then choose "Save record to online file" from the Action menu. If the records have not been printed, open the record you are ready to submit, print it, then choose Save Record to Online File in the Action menu. When you get the box below, choose Delete.

How to:

Add a new field

     Position cursor in line above where you want the new line, then press Enter

Add the delimiter symbol


Delete a field

     Right-click on field and choose Delete

Delete a record

     Retrieve the record or highlight the record in a list, choose Delete Record from the Action menu or use the button.

Get MARC info. for a field/subfield

     Right-click on a field and choose MARC Field Help.

Indicate Can CIP

Complete the record, then press Ctrl+y (or go through the menu Edit:Constant data:Local:Choose default). This will add the 952 field at the bottom of the record.

Make a record non-unique

     In addition to the additional 670s, change the value  of the fixed field Name to "b"

Make a record provisional

     Change the Auth Status to "c"

Move a field

When the field is highlighted, you can use the menu Edit, Move field, Up or Down. The keyboard shortcuts are  Alt+UpArrow and Alt+DownArrow. Using the R button will reformat the record and will automatically reorder some of the fields.

Reformat your record

Use the R button, or choose Reformat from the Edit menu or Ctrl+r. This will resort the variable fields into the correct order, fix spacing around delimiter symbols, and remove empty fields.

Search for records in your local save file

Click on the button for AuthoritiesSearchLocalSaveFile or go to the Authorities menu, choose Search, then Local Save File. When the search box comes up you can search for a particular record, or you can simply click on OK to bring up all your saved records.

To send a record to the online save file

Log on to the server (using FileLogOn button), then from the Action menu, open the record, or highlight it from the local save file list and choose Save Record to Online File.

     When done, remember to log off the server (using FileLogOff button)


     End -- move to end of the field

     Ctrl+End -- move to end of record

     Home -- move to beginning of the field

     Ctrl+Home -- move to beginning of the record


If you close Connexion without saving a record, it will not warn you, your record will just disappear!

Connexion software can be open without being connected to the server, so the software can be left open all day. Connect to the server only when sending finished records to the online save file.

Local save file numbering is unusual--it will fill in gaps left by records that have been sent to online save file. If you want to see your records in the order in which you created them, click on the Date/Time Added column to sort your records.

You can tell you are logged on by the countdown clock at the bottom of the screen.

You can use "My Status" to include notes to yourself about a particular record. For example, if you are waiting for some info. from the EA library, you can add a status "sent to EA 3/15/05, waiting for reply.