Microforms: 533 Note
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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Structure of the 533 Note

Formulate a 533 note when cataloging microform copies or photocopies according to the following guidelines.

‡a Type of reproduction. ‡bPlace where reproduction was produced : ‡cName of agency which issued reproduction, ‡dDate reproduction was introduced. ‡ePhysical description of reproduction in 300 field format. Reduction descriptor if RR code is other than "b" for "normal". ‡nNote pertaining to the reproduction. ‡7 Fixed field equivalent.

Description of Fields

‡b through ‡d: Imprint Information

Any photoreproduction imprint data (subfields b, c, or d) supplied from information other than the chief source must be bracketed. This includes information taken from the box, envelope, guide or packing slip if these are not the chief source by default.

‡e: Physical Description of Photoreproduction

For photocopies, give the size in cm.
For microforms, give the number of reels, fiches, etc., the polarity if negative, the dimensions (reel diameter in mm, height and width of fiche in cm) and a reduction descriptor if the RR code is other than "b" for "normal".

‡e Reduction Descriptor:

If RR code is Descriptor is
a Low reduction (less than 16x)
b [normal; no descriptor] (16x - 30x)
c High reduction (31x - 60x)
d Very high reduction (61x - 90x)
e Ultra high reduction (greater than 90x; include the actual reduction ratio)
u [unknown; no descriptor]

‡7 Fixed Field Equivalents for Reproduction:
This subfield gives the fixed field values for the reproduction. There are fourteen spaces in the subfield that must be filled in or represented by blanks. This subfield will not be displayed in a 533 note in the LON display of RLIN or NOTIS.

Position Fixed field equivalent

0 PC [Serials: PSC]
Always coded for the reproduction

1-4 Books PD:
Coded for the reproduction
Serials D:
Coded for the original 1st date of publication

5-8 Books PD:
Coded for the reproduction
Serials D:
Coded for the original 2nd date of publication

9-11 CP
Coded for the publisher of the microform

12 FRQ (Serials)
Coded for the reproduction
Books value: n

13 REG (Serials)
Coded for the reproduction
Books value: blank

14 REP