Microforms: FilmM and FilmP
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Princeton University Cataloging Documentation

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Film M and Film P

Film M and Film P should be sent to the ReCAP location “rcppe” instead of to Microforms Services and Preservation. At the moment this location is automatically suppressed from the OPAC upon being created and saved.

Catalogers are responsible for cataloging and barcoding the reels and adding the item records. There will no longer be a need to shelflist these. The call numbers should be assigned as:

|h MICROFILM M (for master negatives)

|h MICROFILM P (for preservation negatives)

The usual 866 field in the holdings record should still be used see: http://library.princeton.edu/departments/tsd/katmandu/micro/holdmast.html


852 8_ |b rcppe |h MICROFILM P
866 _0 |z Master preservation copy. Available for reproduction only.

852 8_ |b rcppe |h MICROFILM M
866 _0 |z Master printing copy. Available for reproduction only.

The films will then be forwarded to HaRMS who will send them to be accessioned at ReCAP. At the ReCAP facility MICROFILM M will be housed in regular storage.
MICROFILM P will be stored in the cold storage vault (this has to be specified on the orange customer code slip).