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According to the souvenir book prepared by the Library on the occasion of the 1916 visit to Princeton by the American Library Association, the European War Collection consisted of "1,755 books and pamphlets relating to the European War." It was shelved in alcove D of Chancellor Green Library as well as on the tables on the main floor of the Green Library reading room. (Such public presentation suggests that browsing of the EW collection was encouraged.) The Library actively added books and pamphlets, publishing three listings of the collection — two in 1918: European War Collection: Alphabetical Author List (Princeton, 1918) [(Mudd) P51.74.35], European War Classed List(Princeton, 1918) [(Mudd) P51.74.71], and — in 1920 in Princeton University Library Classified List VI (1920) pp. 3585-3608 [(ExB) 0639.7373.5 vol. 6]. [full text]

During the 1920s and later, the bound books in the European War Collection were reclassed for the general stacks. However, hundreds of pamphlets (classed WET) were retained as a separate collection. The pamphlets were recatalogued by the Library during the summers of 1990 and 1991 and are now in the main catalogue. They can be consulted in the Mudd Library. Catalogue records have the location designator 'Mudd' and call numbers beginning 'WET ...' Example: Our Country — An Undefended Treasure Land ... [New York] Munn & Co., Inc., 1915. WET 10.846. 

As of September 2014, "WWI European Pamphlet Collection Now Available Online" at

 A word about scanned images of the WET pamphlets: WET titles appear in the Library's main catalog as individual records but lack the link to the digitized text. To connect the two, the reader must go to the finding aid ( and search once again for the title.  For example, the color-printed publication Lloyd's Family Album of the Great War is this record in the online catalog To see the scan, search of Lloyd's Family Album of the Great War in the finding aid. It provides this URL

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