Princeton Unversity Library

Constantine Harmenopoulos

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BAV Pal. gr. 256 15th History, Law, Canon law, Philosophy Arrian, Ammonius, Aristotle, Constantine Harmenopoulos, Matthew Blastares, Porphyry
BAV Pal. gr. 369 15th, 16th Canon law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BAV Vat. gr. 849 15th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
Biblioteca Universitaria 2732 16th Canon law Demetrius Chomatenus, Constantine Harmenopoulos
BML Plut. 81.19 15th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Coislin 154 14th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 1338 15th Canon law Constantine Harmenopoulos, Matthew Blastares
BN Grec 1355 15th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 1360 14th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 1361 15th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 1362 15th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 1363 16th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 1363A 17th Canon law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 1389 16th Law, Canon law Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 1631A 17th Lexicon Pindar, Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 478 15th Theology, Law, Poems Basil the Great, Constantine Harmenopoulos, Michael Psellus
BN Supplément grec 1239 17th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos, Michael Attaleiates
BN Supplément grec 1242 17th Grammar, Lexicon Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Supplément grec 502 16th Lexicon Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Supplément grec 664 18th Grammar, Lexicon Constantine Harmenopoulos
BNE 4608 15th Law, Canon law Constantine Harmenopoulos
Bodleian Library Barocci 149 15th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
EBE 1112 18th Lexicon Constantine Harmenopoulos
Mone tou Leimonos 61 14th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
ÖNB Hist. gr. 34 15th Canon law, Law, Theology Matthew Blastares, Constantine Harmenopoulos
Royal Library GKS 1925 15th, 16th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
U of Cambridge UL Dd. II. 51 14th Canon law Matthew Blastares, Constantine Harmenopoulos
U of Cambridge UL Ff. IV. 3 16th Theology, Canon law Demetrius Chomatenus, Constantine Harmenopoulos
UB Mb 22 15th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos