Princeton Unversity Library

Matthew Blastares

Displaying 1 - 32 of 32
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Arch. Cap. S. Pietro C 144 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
BAV Barb. gr. 337 17th Canon law Matthew Blastares
BAV Barb. gr. 573 Canon law Matthew Blastares
BAV Pal. gr. 256 15th History, Law, Canon law, Philosophy Arrian, Ammonius, Aristotle, Constantine Harmenopoulos, Matthew Blastares, Porphyry
BAV Pal. gr. 363 15th, 16th Barlaam and Joasaph, Contra Iudaeos, Theology, Canon law, Romance Matthew Blastares, Athanasius, Ephraem, John Chrysostom
Biblioteca Universitaria 2734 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
BN Grec 1259 16th Theology, Canon law John Climacus, Leo VI the Wise, Theodore Balsamon, John of Damascus, Symeon Seth, John Chrysostom, Photius, Mark of Ephesus, Matthew Blastares
BN Grec 1337 15th Canon law Basil the Great, Theodore Balsamon, Matthew Blastares
BN Grec 1338 15th Canon law Constantine Harmenopoulos, Matthew Blastares
BN Grec 1341 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
BN Grec 1373 15th, 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
BN Grec 1375 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
BN Grec 1376 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
BN Grec 1377 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
BN Supplément grec 304 16th Theology, Canon law Matthew Blastares
BN Supplément grec 484 14th Canon law Theodore Balsamon, Matthew Blastares
BNE 4838 18th Contra Iudaeos Matthew Blastares
BNE 4839 18th Contra Iudaeos Matthew Blastares
BNE 4840 18th Contra Iudaeos Matthew Blastares
EBE 1883 15th Canon law Matthew Blastares
EBE 2302 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
EBE 2483 14th Canon law Matthew Blastares
ÖNB Hist. gr. 34 15th Canon law, Law, Theology Matthew Blastares, Constantine Harmenopoulos
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1118 14th Canon law Matthew Blastares
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1119 14th Canon law Matthew Blastares
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1341 14th, 15th, 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1643 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1795 14th, 15th, 16th Theology, Canon law Matthew Blastares
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1796 15th Theology, Canon law Matthew Blastares
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 2076 16th Canon law Matthew Blastares
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.10.33 17th Letters, Rhetoric Matthew Blastares, Michael Psellus
U of Cambridge UL Dd. II. 51 14th Canon law Matthew Blastares, Constantine Harmenopoulos