Frequently asked questions about access to graduate study rooms

How many people can be in the study room at the same time? 
Occupancy is limited to one person at a time for each graduate study room, except the history graduate study room which has a five person limit. Please wait for others to exit before entering. 

Can I stay in the room?
No. Please return to your assigned seat with selected materials. Do not sit in a graduate study room. 

How long can I stay in the room? 
Please limit your time in the graduate study room to no more than 15 minutes.

If I touch a book but don’t need it after all, should I leave it in the room?
All handled materials need to be placed on a return-book cart. These items will be sequestered for 24 hours before being returned to the room.

Where are return-book carts?
Return-book carts are located in each graduate study room as well as in each of the reserved seats areas: Trustee Reading, Discovery Hub, and the East Rooms. Do not retrieve or touch the items on the return-book carts.

Can I put my personal books or items I have checked out in my name back in the study room after use?
Yes. Please limit your time in the graduate study room to no more than 15 minutes.

Can I check out materials from the graduate room collection?
Non-circulating materials need to stay in the Library and placed on a return-book cart after use. Circulating materials can be checked out at the Circulation Desk.

If I have items in my carrel or locker and want to pick them up, do I need to make a seat reservation appointment?
No, you can make an appointment to pick up your items through the Locker-Carrel Service. If you want to access non-circulating collections in a graduate study room, please make a seat reservation.