Meet Susan McLernon, an undergraduate and Co-Leader of the Student Friends of Princeton University Library

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The Student Friends of the Princeton University Library (SFPUL) is a student-run group that sponsors events and activities related to libraries, books, collecting, and other bibliographic endeavors, with a dedicated emphasis on Princeton University Library’s (PUL) collections.

Code Ocean

Code Ocean can be used to create, organize, and share computational research on one platform. It allows research teams to standardize research workflows, and track and reproduce all computations and discoveries.

Revelio Labs

Includes individual work history, including roles, skills, activities, gender, ethnicity, salary, education, seniority, and geography. Also includes active postings, new postings, and removed postings, along with salary information.

Meet Tom Bruno, Assistant Director, Content Access

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In this newly created position, Tom Bruno comes to Princeton University Library from his role as Director of Access Services at University of Pennsylvania Libraries, where he was responsible for overseeing and shaping strategic direction of public-facing services and library operations for the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center and Penn’s departmental libraries and off-site facility. He also represented Penn at IvyPlus and other regional, national, and international engagements for access services and resource sharing.


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