Writings on Art, From the 18th to the 20th Century

Texts of art criticism by notable French and other artists and writers, specifically focused on salons and important literary works written from 1741 to 1927. This important primary resource includes works of aesthetics, philosophy and art history by such individuals as Apollinaire, Balzac, Baudelaire, Chateaubriand, Delacroix, Diderot, Dumas, Falconet, Gauguin, Mallarme, de Maupassant, Michelet, Proust, Rodin, Sand, Stendhal, Viollet-le-Duc, Winckelmann, and...


MADCAD's eLibrary provides online access to building codes and standards. Princeton's package includes ACI, ASHRAE, FEMA, the ICC Codes (2000, 2012, 2015), ICC/ANSI, and several legacy code collections. After connecting to MADCAD, click "Proceed to eLibrary" to access subscribed content.


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