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Senior Thesis Submission Information for Academic Departments

Senior Theses in the University Archives

The University Archives in the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library is Princeton University’s central repository for senior theses submitted in fulfillment of undergraduate degree requirements. Each senior is required to submit a copy of their thesis to the University Archives as prescribed on the policies and resources website for Undergraduate Announcements under the section "Independent Work." The Senior Thesis Collection consists of more than 63,000 theses and serves as an important resource for undergraduate research. 

Since the early 1990s, the academic departments have partnered with the University Archives to ensure that all senior theses are submitted for degree fulfillment are represented in the University Archives.

Departmental Instructions 

Instructions for collecting, reviewing and approving senior theses for the University Archives are available in the upper-right of this page, under "Downloadable documents."

The Thesis Central website portal opens for submissions beginning on March 25, 2024.

Class of 2024 Senior Thesis Timeline

    • Thesis Central open to submissions March 25, 2024

    • Last day for students to submit to Thesis Central is May 7, 2024 (Dean's Date)
    • Review and approvals must be complete by June 24, 2024

    • Senior Theses are published in DataSpace between late June and prior to the start of the fall semester

About Thesis Central

Thesis Central is the online system that acadmic departments use to collect senior theses from students. The Thesis Central website allows students to upload senior thesis files for retrieval by their home department and from which the files will be transmitted to the University Archives.


In addition, Thesis Central

      • Replaces the need to collect senior theses from students via email or Blackboard
      • Enables tracking of which students have or have not submitted their files
      • Allows downloading and sharing of theses with faculty
      • Provides a way to make a list of students and thesis titles
      • Offers a simple review and approve process for transmitting theses to the University Archives


 If you have questions about the submission process, or if you experience issues with Thesis Central, please email the Mudd Manuscript Library Public Services team at or call 609.258.6345. 

Downloadable Documents