The Grotto

One of the most celebrated features of early Versailles was the Grotto of Tethys (often spelled Thetis), adjacent to the northern side of the palace. Initially built as a simple water tower, the pavilion was redesigned in 1665 around the theme of the descent of Apollo, the sun god, into the sea at the end of his daily procession across the heavens. Located close to Louis XIV’s bedroom, the Grotto allegorized the hard-working king’s retreat to Versailles for rest and recreation. It also echoed the Apollo Fountain at the opposite end of the gardens, where the god is shown rising out of the sea on his horse-drawn chariot. The Grotto’s whimsical, under-the-sea interior was decorated with precious stones, shells, mirrors, mosaics, and masks. It was not completed until 1676, when three marble groups were placed in the bays at the back.

Despite its great success, the Grotto was demolished in 1684 to make way for the north wing of the expanding palace. Only its marble sculptures were preserved and transferred to the gardens. Their original setting can be envisioned thanks to a set of twenty detailed engravings published in the 1670s, of which nine are displayed on the walls of this alcove.

Section Items

Vue de la face extérieure de la Grotte de Versailles

Vue de la face extérieure de la Grotte de Versailles

[View of the Exterior of the Grotto of Versailles]
Le Soleil qui se couche dans la mer…

Le Soleil qui se couche dans la mer…

[The Sun Setting into the Sea …]
Plan de la grotte de Versailles

Plan de la grotte de Versailles

[Plan of the Grotto of Versailles]
Pilier orné de coquillages et de rocailles

Pilier orné de coquillages et de rocailles

[Pillar Adorned with Seashells and Rockwork]
Groupe de marbre blanc, représentant deux chevaux du soleil et deux Tritons qui les pansent

Groupe de marbre blanc, représentant deux chevaux du soleil et deux Tritons qui les pansent

[White Marble Group Depicting Two Horses of the Sun and Two Tritons Grooming Them]
Le Soleil après avoir achevé son cours descend chez Thétis

Le Soleil après avoir achevé son cours descend chez Thétis

[The Sun, After Finishing His Daily Path Across the Sky, Descends to Thetis]
Groupe de marbre blanc représentant deux chevaux du soleil, et deux Tritons qui les pansent

Groupe de marbre blanc représentant deux chevaux du soleil, et deux Tritons qui les pansent

[White Marble Group Depicting Two Horses of the Sun and two Tritons Grooming Them]
Pilier orné de coquillages et de rocailles

Pilier orné de coquillages et de rocailles

[Pillar Adorned with Seashells and Rockwork]
Masques de coquillages et de rocailles

Masques de coquillages et de rocailles

[Masks of Seashells and Rockwork]
Fontaine des Bains d’Apollon dans le Jardin de Versailles

Fontaine des Bains d’Apollon dans le Jardin de Versailles

[Fountain of the Baths of Apollo in the Garden of Versailles]
Vue du fond de la grotte de Versailles

Vue du fond de la grotte de Versailles

[View of the Back of the Grotto of Versailles]
Le Bain de Diane en bas-reliefs

Le Bain de Diane en bas-reliefs

[The Bath of Diana in Bas-Relief]
Explication historique de ce qu’il y a de plus remarquable dans la maison royale de Versailles

Explication historique de ce qu’il y a de plus remarquable dans la maison royale de Versailles

[An Historical Explication of What There Is Most Remarkable in the Royal Residence of Versailles]